Helper Station

Usage charges

classificationHome-visit nursing care fee list (for nursing care needs 1 to 5)
10% contribution
Required time20 minutes or more but less than 45 minutes 45 minutes or more
living assistance179円220円
*The upper limit for daily life support alone is 70 minutes.
classificationNursing care required 1-5
Required time
less than 30 minutes①
More than 30 minutes to
less than 60 minutes②
More than 60 minutes to
less than 90 minutes③
After that,
additional 30 minutes
physical care244円387円567円82円
Physical care-centered living assistance Usage fee table
Required timeBody 30 minutes ①Body 1 hour ②Body 1 hour
30 minutes ③
Life 20 Minutes ①309円452円632円
Life 45 Minutes ②374円517円697円
Life 70 Minutes ③439円582円762円

※“Required time” is the standard required time set by the government to perform the service.
※A fee of 22.4% will be added to the above amount as treatment improvement addition (II).
※Usage fees will be determined based on the nursing care insurance burden percentage certificate.
※If two visiting caregivers provide services jointly, the regular usage fee will be charged with the agreement of the contracting party.

  • When providing heavy nursing care services such as bathing assistance for a heavy person
  • When providing services to people who have engaged in violent behavior
  • Other cases where it is deemed appropriate based on the user’s circumstances, etc.

※If a policyholder uses the service provisionally (while applying for long-term care insurance), usage fees will be billed after receiving nursing care certification. If the application is still pending at the end of the month, the fee will be billed together with the following month’s bill.
※The cost of ingredients for the meals provided under the contract will be charged separately.

※If there is a change in the amount of benefits due to nursing care insurance revisions, the amount paid by the policyholder will be changed in accordance with the changed amount.

※If the policyholder has unpaid nursing care insurance premiums, the amount to be paid by the policyholder may differ from the above table.

Basic Information About The Facility

Name of the facilityCosmos Club Help Station
Address1375-1,Nose,Aioi City,Hyogo Prefecture, 678-0044.
Phone/FAXTEL:0791-24-0500 FAX:0791-24-0505
Administrator NameAdministrator Hiromi Yamamoto

Q&A よくあるご質問はこちら

  • 施設見学会 お申込み受付中 見学会の詳細はこちら
  • お電話でのお申込み・お問合せ 0791-24-0600
  • メールでのお申込み・お問合せ

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